What Does Growth Look Like?.txt

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At first, a person is uneducated, not understanding the world or the necessary skills. Their only option is physical labor, so they will always be in the caste of a slave. But if they start to learn, they gradually transition into the role of a Specialist. This gives them a different perspective. They begin to see different levels of existence, they start to recognize goals and tasks, they can purposefully improve themselves to rise above. That’s why he’s growing professionally, and the best way to do this is by teaching others, then learning to sell, including selling oneself. In other words, a person moves through the roles of Specialist, Teacher (authority), to the role of Salesperson. This role is key, as it’s here that a fork in the road appears. A person can choose the path of professional development and enter the free market, meaning this is where they get the opportunity to join the ranks of professionals or merchants. But they lack the knowledge to start building wealth. He sells, earns, and spends. He doesn’t know how to save or build. Therefore, he can only ascend to a higher caste of businessmen by acquiring new knowledge and skills, essentially becoming a manager. Then, he can enter the caste of Businessmen if he manages to build social and financial status. At this stage, the businessman-manager reaches the limits of organic growth, and further business development proceeds through financial investment. And after building a financial-industrial empire, a person realizes that they are intertwined with power and society, and so they begin to carve out a path into politics.

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