

Жил человек, жил своей жизнью, и внезапно его накрыло: «А что, если всё, во что я верил, не имеет смысла? Что, если моя жизнь – это лишь поверхностная иллюзия стабильности? Для чего всё это? Зачем я живу? Какие законы действуют, чтобы быть счастливым, обеспеченным, успешным, уважаемым? В чем вообще смысл жизни? И можно ли его […]

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Argument Against Sense..txt

Empires could be built on any false meanings, because people follow not the truth, but the myth and the hero, the legend, the promise. Ignorance is the foundation of governance – in the past and now. Nothing has changed. If it were otherwise, empires wouldn’t crumble to dust, because their foundation was not built on

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Why should we aspire for more and what prevents us from setting ambitious goals?.txt

Why should we aspire for more and what prevents us from setting ambitious goals? The issue, you see, isn’t about greed, but about common sense. This can be referred to as the wind of reality. The wind of reality constantly blows in our faces in the form of internal doubts, procrastination, unpleasant surprises, endless delays,

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What’s the difference between a leader and a businessman?.txt

The difference between a leader and a businessman is that the latter looks for where to invest resources, while a leader creates meanings that attract these resources. Budding entrepreneurs spend a lot of time looking for investments, but it’s more effective to invest time in creation – the money will follow, because it has nowhere

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What does the Player look at, and what does the Character consider when analyzing a text?.txt

The player looks at the text, paying attention to its content, its connections. The character immerses themselves in the plot of the text and becomes its slave. The player observes how the text affects a person, and explores the text and plot as a tool, like a samurai admiring his sword. The player doesn’t allow

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What Does Growth Look Like?.txt

At first, a person is uneducated, not understanding the world or the necessary skills. Their only option is physical labor, so they will always be in the caste of a slave. But if they start to learn, they gradually transition into the role of a Specialist. This gives them a different perspective. They begin to

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Time objectively does not exist.

My reflections lead me to the hypothesis that time doesn’t objectively exist, but is merely a subjective phenomenon of how our consciousness reflects the observed world. We operate with concepts such as: – the past (that which is in memory), – the present (what we directly see), – the future – this is the flow

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